Student Services
Student Counseling
Questions, choices, concerns and changes are all a normal part of life. Sometimes we can work through them on our own or with the help of friends and family. Sometimes, they can feel too private, overwhelming or complicated to share with someone we know. The people who provide us support can also be part of what’s bothering you. When this is the case, talking to a professional can provide a safe, neutral, confidential setting to explore your concerns and move toward making changes to improve your situation.
What are some of the reasons students seek counseling?
College students often decide to seek counseling for the first time for many different reasons. While being away from home can be empowering it can also highlight areas needing attention. Counseling may be of help to you if you are experiencing any of the following:
Difficulty adjusting to college life and being away from home
Though you may have planned well and been excited about the new adventure of college life—often there can be a sense of apprehension after the first phase of exhilaration wears off. It is very common to have significant concerns about one’s ability to navigate life away from home. It is important to know that you can master this situation and get things back on track. It is critical to get help when you first feel things slipping and to not allow any deterioration in school performance. Help is available and affordable.
Difficulty balancing all the demands of college student life
It can often be difficult to learn how to prioritize the seemingly competing demands placed on you while attending college. For many, this is the first time that you are completely responsible for managing these areas. If you feel that you lack a strong sense of “what do I do first?” Or if you struggle with feelings of “why can’t I get everything done in a way that feels reliable?” –you may benefit from a consultation on how to manage these difficulties.
Wanting to improve your family relationships
Is it difficult for you to fully concentrate on studies because of preoccupation with family concerns? Do you feel that unresolved worries about family relations are affecting how you relate to others at school? It is common for complicated family relationships to come into sharp relief while you are away at school. This can be an important time to start to get a handle on these issues before they start to appear in current friendships and intimate relationships.
Problems with school or studying
Does anxiety or a sense of being hopelessly distracted get in the way of being a top performer academically? Take steps to begin to learn techniques to handle test-taking worries, difficulty concentration, or procrastination in paper-writing. Experience the relief of knowing that doing well in school is under your control.
Other Areas of Concern:
Wanting to be more assertive or improve your self-confidence
Not feeling like your “old” self
Eating too much or too little
Questions about your future
Questions about your sexuality
Grieving over the death of someone close to you
It is also okay if you don’t know exactly what you want to address. If you are experiencing a general sense of unease that is getting in the way of embracing a satisfying college experience, counseling may help you get back on track.